Geographical data for Vaucluse, SC 29850 (Outside city limits)


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    Covid Cases vs Deaths for SC

    The above graph show the number of cases and deaths from Covid starting with 2020-01-21 until 2022-04-29. Covid cases in Vaucluse started to plateau for the first time in july of 2021. The average increase in the number of cases monthly was 3.0%. The biggest single month surge occurred july. Deaths due to Covid for Vaucluse, South Carolina now total 56,225.00. This year 0.00 deaths have occurred in Vaucluse, South Carolina 29850. This is 1,081.25% when compared to the national mean.


    The most recent population of Vaucluse is 165 people. The average population from 2011 to 2019 was 230. The large population increase was 122 people, and it occurred in 2014. The largest population decrease was 202 people, and it occurred in 2016. Since 2011, the population has changed by 339.00. The average population change for Vaucluse was 41.82%. .

    Income Comparison State vs Zip code

    Vaucluse had an average home value of $0.00 compared to the country's average of $146,724.83., The location with the biggest household income between Vaucluse, South Carolina and The USA is currently the US with an average of $44,586.32. Total earnings in the city of Vaucluse have a median value of $0.00

    Education Comparison by Degree State vs Zip Code

    Vaucluse (29850) has less bachelor degrees by percentage than the state of South Carolina with $0.00% versus $15.08%. There are less graduate degrees by percentage ($0.00%) compared to the average of South Carolina which is ($5.20%). $54.63% of the population of Vaucluse (29850) have a high school diploma, which makes this zip code below the national average of 66.04490808185811%.

    Age Segmentation

    The largest age group in Vaucluse (29850) is around 60-69 years old. The smallest age group in 29850 is between -10. The average number of people in each age group is 12.

    Gender Segmentation

    45.05% (50 individuals) of the population is male while 54.95% (61 individuals) of the population is female.

    Poverty Segmentation

    $0.00% of the population in zip code 29850 are poor. Compare this to the state poor percentage of $14.17%.

    Race Segmentation

    The White population is 96 in Vaucluse, making it the most prevalent. The smallest population by race in Vaucluse are Native with a total of 1. Native citizens make up 86.49, while White make up 0.90% of the population of Vaucluse.