Geographical data for Refton, PA 17568 ()


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    Covid Cases vs Deaths for PA

    The above graph show the number of cases and deaths from Covid starting with 2020-01-21 until 2022-04-29. Covid cases in Refton started to flatten for the first time in april of 2021. The mean increase in the number of cases monthly has been 2.5%. The biggest single month rise occurred june. Deaths due to Covid for Refton, Pennsylvania now total 745,404.00. This year 0.00 deaths have occurred in Refton, Pennsylvania 17568. This is 14,334.69% in comparison to the national average.

    Income Comparison State vs Zip code

    Pennsylvania had an average home value of $0.00 in comparison to the country's average of $146,724.83., The location with the best household income between Refton, Pennsylvania and The USA is currently PA with an average of $46,094.41. Total earnings in Refton are on average $0.00

    Education Comparison by Degree State vs Zip Code

    Refton (17568) has less bachelor degrees by percentage than the state of Pennsylvania with $0.00% versus $16.01%. There are less graduate degrees by percentage ($0.00%) compared to the average of Pennsylvania which is ($5.90%). $0.00% of the population of Refton (17568) have a high school diploma, which makes this zip code below the national average of 66.04490808185811%.

    Poverty Segmentation

    $0.00% of the population in zip code 17568 are poor. Compare this to the state poor percentage of $9.22%.